Friday, March 20, 2009

Trust in What?

"Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God."

- Psalm 20:7 (Amplified)

Where do we place our trust?

This question has been coming to mind a lot lately as my husband and I have been discussing God's direction for our lives.

It is an important one to ask because, ultimately, the answer will reveal where our heart is.

Life presents us with many things that we can choose to place our trust in. Jobs, homes, property, money. While we often do not make a conscious decision to place trust in these things, in the back of our minds we hold onto them as if those things will carry us through.

In reality, however, nothing in this life is ever certain.

I could get a call this morning that my house has burned to the ground and that my job is in jeopardy. All the money stored in the bank could dissolve overnight.

On a moments notice, it could all disappear.

There is only one thing that remains through blessing and through catastrophe: God.

Regardless of what I say or do, He will never change, never leave, never give up on me. And regardless of what happens in my life, He will always be there.

So why place my trust in things that are passing? And why make these things the cornerstone of my life? Why allow my possessions and my finances to dictate to me what is important and what is worth pursuing (or not)?

In Matthew 6:19-20, Christ instructs us to store up our treasures in heaven, not here on earth where it can be destroyed.

This indicates that we should place more value in doing God's will than we do in our personal possessions (for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also). And we should trust God will take care of us in the process.

When Christ sent His disciples out in Matthew 10, He instructed them to not bring silver or gold and to not carry an extra cloak. When He stated that a worker is worthy of His wage, He was making a statement that, if we do His will, He'll provide.

In the sermon on the mount, He tells us to not worry about what tomorrow brings. Why concern ourselves over what we will eat or what we will wear? God is greater than these things and He will care for those needs.

Are these things important? By the world's standards, acquiring wealth and material worth is the goal. By God's standards, the ultimate goal is to be like Him and to do what He wills.

That means that, as Christians, our trust should be in God, not in what we see in the physical world.

That means that we should do what He has ordained us to do - go forth and bring the gospel to others - and not fear the sacrifice.

Is the world a scary place? Yes, it is. But God is bigger than the world, bigger than all the treasure that it contains, and all the "security" the world offers cannot match the security we have in Him.

If our heart if for Christ, we will place our faith in Christ. And we will press on toward the prize with out fear of the journey.


  1. Reinforces my belief that all of life is based on faith. He gave us each a measure of faith and we may put it on money, people, influence, or whatever but we look to those things and they sadly fail over and over. You're so right! God does not fail and His love reaches through us as we allow it.

    Great post!

  2. This posting speaks volumes. I know this was written a while back, but it applies to anytime. I really enjoyed this, because it really grounds believers to not lose sight of what's important. We often get wrapped up in life, but it's important to not get swept away. Great job!
